As a child, waking up to music was not an unusual thing. My father has a deep love for all types of great artists and has in turn given us […]
An Ode To Momma K…
In honor of Mother’s Day I feel the need to write an entry about my very own rock star Momma. For those of you who don’t know, I am one […]
Food Therapy…
So last week I was having an awful day. One of those “Stay away from me, or I will light your hair on fire” days. Not only was work terrible, but […]
Carnivale And Cavatelli…
So there is no way that I can be writing a food blog and not write about Mardi Gras. Whatever you call it, Mardi Gras, Carnivale, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday…it’s […]
Simple Memories…
So, in November of this year I’m marrying Jay, the most fabulous man ever, and he happens to have a son (we’ll call him AC) who is almost 2 years […]
Get In Touch With Your Inner Fryer…
As I’m writing this first post I’m coming down from a fabulous food high. I visited a new restaurant tonight with some friends that specializes in traditional Puerto Rican cuisine. Now, […]
Irish Eyes Are Looking For Some Brown Bread…
Sooooooo…yeah, it might be a little late to talk about St. Patrick’s Day but cut me some slack. Two of the most fabulous women I know just popped out two […]