
Food is not just something to nourish our bodies.  It is also the traditions, tastes, and textures of our lives.  My parents kitchen was, and is still, a living classroom for how to have a full and rich life.  Whether it’s sitting at the counter cutting vegetables, or breathing deeply the rich scent of a bubbling pot of sauce on the stove, the kitchen is a beating heart, alive with the sounds and smells of home.

In my 40’s, I still seek out the comfort and calm that came from my childhood.  I’m married to an extremely loving man named Jay and have the pleasure of being a Step Mom to our son Aiden.  Food is still central to our lives, and some of the best memories made have been in the kitchen or around a table scattered with empty plates. We enjoy lots of time in our little home in Connecticut with it’s beautiful garden, big open kitchen, two crazy dogs, and a so much love.

So what does being a Curvy Cook really mean to me?  It means that I’m a healthy woman who happens to wear a double digit dress size in a world of tofu hot dogs and gluten free bread.  I cook for an army in good times and in bad, have big opinions, and believe in striving to always be a better human while also making swearing an art form.  I hope that you enjoy these eclectic glimpses into our life and find some great things to take away into yours.